Fracture Care Specialists

MidJersey Orthopaedics
Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine & Spine located in Flemington, NJ, Bridgewater, NJ & Washington, NJ
Fracture care is all about comprehensive services, beginning with your initial diagnosis and treatment and following throughout your rehabilitation. Our team at MidJersey Orthopaedics works closely with each fracture patient, providing all they care they need to heal, restore their strength, and get back into action. If you need compassionate care for a fracture, call the office in Flemington, Bridgewater or Washington, New Jersey, or schedule an appointment online today.
Fracture Care Q & A
What are the Goals of Fracture Care?
The first goal of fracture care is to quickly assess the severity of the fracture and your risk for infection. If the skin over the fracture is torn, you have a high risk of developing an infection and need quick surgery to clean the wound.
Beyond dealing with the immediate trauma of a fracture, the ultimate goal of fracture care is to ensure your bones heal properly so you can return to your pre-injury level of strength and function.
What are the Different Types of Fractures?
Bones may be partially or completely fractured. The break can go across the bone or along the length of the bone. With enough force, a bone can shatter.
These are a few examples of the different types of bone fractures:
- Stable Fracture: You have a stable fracture when the broken ends of the bone are nearly in their normal position.
- Open, Compound Fracture: An open fracture occurs when bone fragments break or pierce the skin.
- Transverse Fracture: A transverse fracture follows a horizontal line.
- Oblique Fracture: This type of fracture is an angled break in the bone.
- Comminuted Fracture: A comminuted fracture occurs when the bone shatters into three or more pieces.
- Compression Fracture: A compression fracture is one in which your bone collapses because it’s too weak to support normal weight and movement. Osteoporosis often causes compression fractures.
What Type of Fracture Care Can I Receive?
Many fractures must first be properly aligned, so the two ends of the bones meet and heal back to the bone’s normal shape. Some fractures are easy to align without surgery, while others require surgery called open reduction.
With or without surgery, your MidJersey Orthopaedics doctor may use screws, plates, or rods — placed internally or externally — to firmly hold the bone in place.
The second step in fracture care is immobilizing the broken bone. Your doctor may accomplish this with anything from taping to bracing and casting, depending on the body part that was fractured.
After your cast or brace is removed, you still need to limit your movement until the bone is solid enough. However, your doctor gives you an exercise plan or recommends physical therapy so you can start rehabilitating as soon as possible.
If you have a spinal compression fracture, you may require specialized care from the specialists at MidJersey Orthopaedics, which may include spine surgery, or a type of bone injection.
If you need fracture care, call MidJersey Orthopaedics, or book an appointment online.
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