“Treating Shoulder Pain” Seminar With Dr. Pollack

The Hunterdon Health and Wellness Centers in Whitehouse Station and Clinton are dedicated to providing health enhancement and disease prevention programs for the community. As part of their education series, the Hunterdon Health and Wellness Centers will offer Treating Shoulder Pain in July. The seminar will be held in Whitehouse Station on Tuesday, July 8th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and at Clinton on Wednesday, July 9th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Is your shoulder stiff? Do you have difficulty sleeping due to arm and shoulder pain? Are you unable to use your arm overhead? Do you lack the strength in your shoulder to carry out daily activities? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this seminar will help to explain the causes and treatment of shoulder pain. Shoulder pain and loss of arm strength can be debilitating. Often with treatment acute shoulder pain can be prevented from becoming chronic. While surgical methods will be discussed, this seminar will emphasize non-surgical treatments that are available for shoulder pain. Michael Pollack, M.D., Hunterdon Orthopaedic Institute P.A., will present on Tuesday at Whitehouse Station and Brian Patullo, PT, DPT, Physical Therapist at Hunterdon Medical Center will present on Wednesday in Clinton.
This program is free and open to the community. Participants will receive a guest pass to be used at either of the Hunterdon Health and Wellness Centers.
To register for the program at the Hunterdon Health and Wellness Center in Whitehouse Station call 908-534-7600. The Hunterdon Health and Wellness Center in Whitehouse Station is located at 537 Rte. 22 East, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. To register forthe program at the Hunterdon Health and Wellness Center in Clinton call 908-735-6884. The Hunterdon Health and Wellness Center in Clinton is located at 1738 Rte. 31, Clinton, New Jersey.
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