The Advantages of Treating Your Pulled Muscle with PRP

Pulled, or strained, muscles are one of the most common issues an athlete — or just about anyone — can have, as they can occur through the overuse or misuse of a muscle. Still, this issue is incredibly painful, and it can put you out of commission for some time.
For some people, however, time is of the essence, and recovery needs to happen more quickly. For others, muscle pulls may not heal properly on their own. If you are experiencing either issue, you might be a great candidate for treating your pulled muscle with PRP.
At MidJersey Orthopaedics, our providers — including Robert More, MD; J. Elliot Decker, MD; Michael Pollack, MD; Philip J. Glassner, MD; Thomas St. John, MD; Aleya Salam, MD; Scott Bleazey, MD; Richard Chang, MD; Eric Gordon, MD; Suneel Basra, DPM; Michael Milone, MD; Daniel G. Areson, DO, MS; Patrick Wang, MD; Christopher Caruso, MD; Heather Bucey, PA-C; Yanli Sun, PA-C; Brielle Greco, PA-C; Esther Moore, NP, RNFA; and Shannon Perez, NP, RNFA — consider PRP to be one of the most advantageous options for pulled muscles.
PRP and pulled muscles
PRP (which is short for platelet-rich plasma) is a treatment option that utilizes your body’s own healing techniques to help speed along a recovery process. PRP therapy involves taking blood from your body, spinning it in a centrifuge, and removing the platelet-rich plasma.
The PRP is then reinjected into the body at the site of the pulled muscle. The platelets come together and engage fibroblasts, which are other cells that create collagen and stimulate tissue restoration.
PRP isn’t needed for all pulled muscle injuries, of course. But in some cases, it can be extremely beneficial to your overall recovery.
The advantages of using PRP to treat pulled muscles
1. Quicker recovery time
If you are an athlete, you may be kicking yourself over a pulled muscle, wondering when you can get back to the game you love. Fortunately, when paired with other methods of recovery, PRP can actually reduce the time it takes to recover from a pulled muscle.
2. Helps you avoid reinjury
If you are looking to get back to your regular range of motion, you might try to return too quickly and be likely to reinjure yourself. A 2018 study on PRP therapy for muscle injuries noted that “27% of all hamstring injuries were recurrences of previous injuries in the Australian Football League and 32% in American Football.”
However, when PRP is employed, you’ll be more likely to see a quicker recovery time, which will decrease the likelihood of playing without your full abilities. This, in turn, could diminish the chance of experiencing a reinjury.
3. Low risk of negative effects
With many treatments, infection is a main concern. But with PRP, you are receiving your own blood back into your body. As such, this considerably cuts down on the risk of infection.
In addition, the other potential side effects of this procedure are mild and low risk. Including discomfort at the injection site and bruising, they are in line with most other injection-based treatments.
Get PRP therapy for your strained muscle today
If you are looking for something to help your pulled muscle that is safe, minimally invasive, and affordable, PRP therapy is a fantastic option for a healthy recovery.
To make an appointment to visit our Flemington, Bridgewater, or Washington, New Jersey office, simply call or request a time online at your convenience. We look forward to helping you!
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