Hunterdon Orthopaedic Institute is Now Midjersey Orthopaedics

Same great care. Same doctors. Same ownership. Same location.
As a member of your local community, the Hunterdon Orthopaedic Institute wants you to know first that we are now practicing under the name MidJersey Orthopaedics. The name change more accurately reflects who we are and what we will be; in the coming months we will be occupying a new office in Bridgewater to complement our state-of-the-art Flemington facility.
As a full service Orthopaedic and Neurological practice, MidJersey Orthopaedics offers the convenience of on-site, instant digital x-ray and open MRI scanning. Our practice now features a state-of-the-art facility on the Hunterdon Medical Center campus in Flemington, New Jersey. Daily service hours are Mon. through Fri. (8:00 a.m.− 5:00 p.m.) with late afternoon and evening appointments available Mon. through Thurs. To ensure you always receive care, we also hold daily appointment slots for emergencies, and all major insurances are welcome. At MidJersey Orthopaedics, we are committed to providing comprehensive, advanced musculoskeletal and neurological care to our community. Our fellowship trained Orthopaedic surgeons, Neurologists and Interventional Physiatrists devote themselves to extraordinary patient care, delivered with integrity, throughout the New Jersey and Pennsylvania region.
HOI is now MJO.
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