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Dr. More’s Participation in the Readington Middle School Student Academy Day

Dr. Robert C. More gave a series of lectures to the students at Readington Middle School Student Academy about sports medicine and sports injuries. Dr. More’s lectures was part of the real world topics middle schoolers are introduced to during the Academy Day. The goal is to help inspire adolescent students towards a meaningful career.

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When Do Bunions Require Surgery?

Though it might seem like a growth on the side of the lowest big toe joint, a bunion results from a joint distortion. It’s a foot problem that may or may not be symptomatic, but it’s also a disorder that tends to get worse with time.

Recognizing the Signs of Tendonitis

You may not recognize the early signs of tendonitis because they’re mild. But if you miss those first red flags, you’re at risk for progressive tendon damage. Here’s what you should know about tendonitis symptoms.