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9 Ways to Protect Your Wrist Every Day

9 Ways to Protect Your Wrist Every Day

Wrist injuries are common, affecting millions of people every year worldwide. While some wrist injuries are especially common among athletes, sprains, fractures, tendon injuries, and other wrist problems can affect anyone at any age.

At MidJersey Orthopaedics, our team helps patients in Flemington, Bridgewater, and Washington, New Jersey, relieve wrist pain from traumatic injuries, repetitive use, and age-related problems like arthritis. In this post, they offer tips to help you keep your wrists healthy and free from pain.

1. Focus on ergonomics

If you use a computer a lot at work or at home, all that repetitive typing can put a surprising amount of strain on your wrists — especially the tendons and ligaments that support wrist movement. You can help by using a wrist support while typing and adjusting the height of your monitor so your wrists stay in a neutral position instead of being continually bent. 

2. Give your wrists a break

Taking frequent breaks is essential if you must use your hands for repetitive activities for your work or hobbies. Without breaks, muscle tension can quickly lead to strained tendons, inflammation, and painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. Try some simple stretches

During those breaks, try gentle stretching and wrist rotations to improve circulation and relieve muscle strain in your wrists. Stretching your forearms and hands can help, too.

4. Incorporate massage

Like stretching, massage relieves muscle strain and ramps up healing circulation. If you use your wrists, hands, or arms often, making time for a daily hand and wrist massage can minimize your risk of future injuries.

5. Use a splint or brace

If you have occasional wrist pain or a prior wrist injury, using a splint or a brace provides your wrist with additional support and stability to avoid future strain. While over-the-counter braces and splints are available, it’s always a good idea to ask our team to recommend a product designed for your specific wrist issues so you can avoid products that could make your symptoms worse.

6. Strengthen arm muscles

Your wrists depend a lot on the muscles in your forearms for support and function. Strengthening those muscles increases wrist stability to reduce the risk of injuries, including those due to repetitive use and overuse. If you have wrist pain already, don’t start any exercises until you speak with your doctor.

7. Improve your technique

If you participate in any sport involving your hands or arms, spending some time perfecting your form can pay off. Good form reduces strain on your muscles and joints, including your wrists. Even if you’re not an athlete, supporting your wrists while lifting or using your arms to garden, paint, or doing other activities involving your wrists can help reduce the risk of injury.

8. Focus on your lifestyle

Your dietary choices have an impact on joint health. Choosing foods rich in antioxidants, calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients associated with optimal musculoskeletal health is important. If you smoke, quitting promotes better circulation, which supports healing if you do have an injury.

9. Seek medical treatment

One of the best ways to prevent serious wrist problems is to seek medical care at the first sign of pain or stiffness. Early treatment stops wrist issues, relieving symptoms and avoiding further damage.

If you have wrist pain or swelling, don’t ignore it. Call 908-782-0600 or request an appointment online with the MidJersey Orthopaedics team today.

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